Sunday 1/30/11
Pastor A.L. Harris
Series: Order in the House
“Daughters of Desperation”
Genesis 19:29-38
Isaiah 4:1
Desperation is a result of losing hope. Losing hope is a failure to trust God or live by faith. If you are not careful, desperation will lead you down a road of compromise. Desperation mode is the overwhelming desire for companionship, need to be loved and to love, and a great desire to be married.
1) Whenever you stop trusting God and take matters into your own hands, you will always create a mess.
2) Never make concessions that God does not honor.
3) Whenever you lower your godly standards, it will always lead to compromise.
Consequences of Compromise:
1) Pre-marital sex
2) Unwanted pregnancy, which could lead to an abortion
3) You could have a baby out of wedlock and the man abandons you and the baby
4) Contracting an Sexually Transmitted Disease
5) You could find yourself living with a man that has promised to marry you
6) You could end up with a physically or verbally abusive husband
7) You could end up being unequally yoked
Continue to trust God and don’t lower your godly standards for anyone. As long as you compromise, Boaz can’t come. A “Boaz” is a man that first loves God, and loves you and will provide for you.