Friday, June 24, 2011

Money Matters 6.15.11

This week’s session served as a review. Pastor mentioned that new material relating to matrimony and finance will be covered next week.

How Do You become Debt Free?
Step 1 Determine where you are.
a) Write down all of your debts.

Step 2 Stop going into debt.
a) Stop spending and borrowing.
b) Cut the credit card up if you can’t control it.

Step 3 Develop a repayment plan.
a) Look over all your debts and draft a repayment plan.
b) Be committed to the repayment plan.

Step 4 Establish accountability.
a) Be accountable to someone that you respect, concerning your commitment to getting out of debt.

Step 5 Reward yourself.
a) Each time you pay off a bill treat yourself to something inexpensive. Pay with cash.

We covered the 4 basic principles that are required to live debt free.
(See Blog entry from 6/10/11)

Four reasons to live debt free:
1. To provide a better quality of life for your family.

2. To be able to help others in their time of need.

3. To sow more into the Kingdom.

4. To leave an inheritance to your children’s children.

A good man will leave a generational seed.
Good credit and a good name is the result of living debt free and
managing your finances properly.

Here are some of the advantages of having a good name and good credit:
1. Lower interest rate on a car loan and credit card

2. Home purchase or rental

3. Career opportunities/Clearance

4. Respect among your colleagues

5. Favor and opportunities for you and your family

6. Ministry opportunities

7. Avoid embarrassment during a credit check

Join us for our Worship Encounters Every Sunday Morning starting at 9:30 AM with prayer.

Also join us for Bible Study every Wednesday Evening at 6:30 PM with Prayer and Worship

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Father's Presence - A Special Father's Day Sermon from Pastor A.L. Harris

Solomon said that his father taught him.. In order for his father to teach him,
he had to be there.
The presence of a father is vitally important. Your
presence, if you remain in the proper place, will affect generations long after
you are gone.

6 Things God Expects from Every Father:

1) Fear God. Fear God and Keep his commands. Ecclesiastes 12:13
Reverence, Worship, and Honor God with your life

2) Obedience to his word. Ecclesiastes 12:13
Your obedience will open the door to the favor of God for your life. Your obedience is not only about you. It’s about your children and your children’s children.

3) Model Christ before your children. Matthew 5:16
Let your children see the attributes and love of Christ.

4) Train your children. Proverbs 22:6
It is the responsibility of the father to teach the sons and daughters.

5) Provide for your children. 1Timothy 5:8
Providing also means your presence and not only material goods.

6) Protect your children. Matthew 12:29
Be careful of your temper and temperament. You can not administer punishment when angry.

Join us for an Awesome and Impactful Worship Encounter

Every Sunday Morning at New Life Christian Center in Laurel, Maryland

Corporate Prayer at 9:30 AM

Service Begins at 10:30 AM

Wednesday Night Bible Study for adults and teens

Corporate Prayer at 6:30 PM

Classes Start Immediately After

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Experience Life at New Life Christian Center

Archie and Audrey Harris, Pastors

9844 Mallard Drive

Laurel, Maryland

Friday, June 10, 2011

'Money Matters' Bible Study Series

Living debt free requires four basic principles:

1. Discipline
A pattern of behavior that governs one’s life. (Self-control) Galatians 5:22, 1 Corinthians 9:25

2. Budgeting
A budget will help you to plan ahead.
A budget will help you to control your spending.
A budget will give you a picture of what is coming in and what is going out each month.

3. Planning
a) Short term financial plan
b) Long term financial plan

4. Savings Plan.
a) Emergency savings
b) Long Term savings

Join us for Weekly Bible Study at New Life Christian Center in Laurel, Maryland

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We look forward to connecting with you!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

'Money Matters' Bible Study Series

Here are Ten Biblical Steps in Managing Your Finances

1. Recognize that you are a steward and everything belongs to God.
Luke 12:41-44, Psalms 24:1, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
This means everything. (You and all material possessions)
2. Ask God for direction concerning how to manage His money.
Proverbs 3:5-6; Proverbs 1:5
Make a commitment to consult God on any financial matter you may have.
Read books on finance, attend financial conferences, watch financial programs.

3. Release what you owe to God, tithe.
Malachi 3:7- 12

4. Become a generous giver.
Prov 11:25, Luke 6:38, 2Cor 9:6-10

5. Live within your means.
Simply put, don’t try to live a $4,000.00 dollar a month life style on a $2,000.00 dollar a month income. 1Tim 6:6-8, Proverbs 10:22

6. Learn to live debt free.
Prov 22:7

7. Learn to save money. (In this volatile market, cash is King)
Prov 6:6-8
Make saving a habit. Most financial consultants say that we should try to save or invest 10% of our monthly income. If your income is $2,000.00 a month you should try and save $200.00 per month minimum.
The old saying goes, always have something saved for a rainy day.

8. Learn to make your money work for you.
Create a financial portfolio with investment vehicles for your money to grow. Example - 401K, Mutual Funds, Stocks and Bonds.
Don’t depend on the government to take care of you.
Be proactive and prepare for your future.

9. Set up a Life Insurance Policy.
This life insurance policy is designed to allow your family to maintain the same quality of life if you should die.

10. Create a will.
The will ensures that your final wishes are honored and financial resources are distributed according to your instructions.

Join us on Wednesday Nights for our Church Bible Studies. Biblical Teaching that will help you in your life as a believer.

Wednesday Nights 6:30 PM/EST Corporate Prayer and Worship

Bible Study Starts Immediately After

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