Sunday 12/4/11
Pastor A.L. Harris
“Prepare for Tomorrow”
Joshua 3:1-5
In the last part of Deuteronomy and the first part of Joshua the nation of Israel is in transition. Moses has died and Joshua has become his successor.
When God gives you a promise, you may have to engage in spiritual warfare to get what belongs to you.
Sanctify means to consecrate yourself and set yourself aside for the exclusive use of God. Sanctification is an ongoing process.
Redemption is free, but sanctification will cost you.
If we are going to sanctify ourselves, we must (1) commit to serving God with your whole heart.
In order to serve you must love the Lord with your whole heart first. Luke 10:27
Whatever you love, you will serve. Luke 12:34
When you are totally committed, you will be obedient to Him and serve Him. A half hearted person is a person who will praise God on Sunday and lives for themselves on Monday. When praising God is what you do, but not who you are. When you are committed to something you do it because it is who you are.
1) Repent – turn away from anything that has kept my heart away from God. Ask yourself what do I need to change?
2) Intentionally make your relationship with God the most important relationship.
Manage your time wisely. Commit to prayer and reading the word daily. Keep your relationship with the Lord fresh and strong.
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